Team > Prof. Dr. Achim von Oppen
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
African History
2007 - 2019 | Professor for African History at Bayreuth University |
2001 - 2007 | Vice director of Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin |
2004 - 2007 | University lecturer (private lecturer) in African history and society at Humboldt Universität Berlin |
2003 - 2004 | Guest professor (stand-in professor) for African History at Humboldt Universität Berlin |
1993 - 2000 | Research assistant at Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin |
1984 - 1989 | Research assistant at the department of sociology of Freie Universität Berlin |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
African History
Thematic focus:
- Social- and cultural history of rural and urban regions
- Religion and history
- History of mobility and transfer
- Comparative and integrative history
- Global history
- History of knowledge
- Local history
More details and the whole list of publications you can finde Here.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
African History
Neubert, Dieter; von Oppen, Achim
The Kenya we want! : from the post-colonial departure to recent hopes
Bayreuth 2018. - VI, 23 page . - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers; 20) ...
Translocality : the study of globalising processes from a southern perspective
publ: Freitag, Ulrike; von Oppen, Achim
Leiden 2010 . - (Studies in Global Social History; 4)
Angola on the Move = Angola em Movimento : Transport Routes, Communications and History = Vias ...
publ: von Oppen, Achim; Heintze, Beatrix
Frankfurt am Main 2008
von Oppen, Achim
Mitte Afrikas, am Ende der Welt : Der Kongo in historischer Perspektive
in Zur Debatte volume 38 (2008) issue 3. - page 1-5
von Oppen, Achim
Orientalismen I. Der Orient in Berlin
in Wir : Magazin für die Ehemaligen der FU volume 7 (2007) issue 1. - page 35-37
von Oppen, Achim
The spread of Islam in East Africa - an outline history
Christianity and Islam in Ghana, Tanzania and Germany : documentation of the workshop from 9 to 12 october 2006 in Limburg/Gnadenthal
Frankfurt am Main : Zentrum Ökumene der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau, 2007. - page 14-23
von Oppen, Achim
The painting and the pen : approaches to Heinrich Barth and his African heritage
Heinrich Barth et l'Afrique
Köln : Köppe, 2006. - page 105 . - (Studien zur Kulturkunde; 125)
von Oppen, Achim; Ahmed, Chanfi Abdallah
Sufi-Heiligtümer in Ostafrika als Schauplätze translokaler Erinnerung
Heilige Orte in Asien und Afrika : Räume göttlicher Macht und menschlicher Verehrung
Hamburg : EB-Verl., 2006. - page 199-218 . - (Asien und Afrika; 11)
von Oppen, Achim
The Village as Territory : Enclosing Locality in Northwest Zambia, 1950s to 1990s
in The Journal of African History volume 47 (2006) issue 1. - page 57-75
doi:10.1017/S0021853705001349 ...
von Oppen, Achim; Freitag, Ulrike
Translokalität als ein Zugang zur Geschichte globaler Verflechtungen
in geschichte.transnational
. 2005 ...
von Oppen, Achim; Freitag, Ulrike
Translokalität als ein Zugang zur Geschichte globaler Verflechtungen = Transnationale Geschicht ...
in Programmatic texts volume 2 (2005) ...
von Oppen, Achim
Cinderella Province : Discourses of locality and nation state in a Zambian periphery, 1950s-199 ...
in Sociologus volume 52 (2002) issue 1. - page 11-46
Kößler, Reinhart; Neubert, Dieter; von Oppen, Achim
Gemeinschaften in einer entgrenzten Welt
Berlin : Verl. Das Arab. Buch, 1999 (Zentrum Moderner Orient : Studien; 12)
Kößler, Reinhart; Neubert, Dieter; von Oppen, Achim
Gemeinschaften in einer entgrenzten Welt
Berlin : Verl. Das Arab. Buch, 1999. - 170 page . - (Zentrum Moderner Orient : Studien; 12)
von Oppen, Achim
Dorf, Siedlung, Gemeinschaft
Geschichte in Afrika : Einführung in Probleme und Debatten
Berlin : Verl. das Arab. Buch, 1997. - page 231-260 . - (Zentrum Moderner Orient : Studien; 7)
Luig, Ute; von Oppen, Achim
Landscape in Africa - process and vision : an introductory essay
The making of African landscapes
Stuttgart : Steiner, 1997. - page 7-45 . - (Paideuma; 43) ...
von Oppen, Achim
Terms of trade and terms of trust : the history and contexts of pre-colonial market production ...
Studien zur Afrikanischen Geschichte
Münster, LIT, 1992. - VIII, 473 page (dissertation, 1990,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
African History
Prof. Dr. Achim von Oppen
Professorship African History (retired)